Today we are going to be talking about the FIRE Movement! Have you heard of it?! It stands for Financial Independence Retire Early.

Financial Independence is so important to me. I mean we built this podcast around it! If you haven’t heard of it then I hope today gets you FIRED up about it!

Things to think about as you listen:

  • Where do you stand on the FIRE movement?
  • Is it something you want to be a part of?
  • Are you being intentional with your decisions?

In its essence, the FIRE Movement is a retirement method that means: be frugal and retire early.

I think FIRE is a good goal! FIRE is about building a life that you truly want to live. It’s about abandoning what society and marketing deems is important and finding it for yourself. FIRE says you can save up and invest wisely.

During this episode, I talk about abandoning the society norms and finding your community that supports you in your financial goals. Stripping away those ideas of what you thought you needed to do to be successful.

I discuss the important points of the method and talk about how those ideas help people see a goal, such as the light at the end of the tunnel of a stressful or bad job. I also talk about what I grew up learning and believing, and how that shaped my approach to earn money and find success. I believe how we approach life is often influenced by how you were raised. Your view of the world is colored by the scripts of your life.

So, tune in and see what you think about the FIRE movement and if it is right for you. There is no right or wrong answer! Don’t forget to join us on social media and comment on our post, what were your biggest takeaways from the FIRE movement?