Stay Positive! We’ve all known this – that life doesn’t always deal us a winning hand. Whether it is sticking with the abnormal “normalcy” of the pandemic or keeping our finances balanced, we all have our fair share of challenges.

Learn how to stay positive and keep moving forward even when life presents you with challenges. On this episode of The Family Business Podcast!

Points to ponder:

● Your comfort zone doesn’t always help you grow. Even diamonds, one of the most precious things on Earth, are made under pressure. Challenges that show up in life are actually making you the best version of yourself!

● Sometimes, things fall apart so that they can better fall together.

● Take a moment to reflect when you think that life is beating you down – maybe it’s just your slate being wiped clean for you to get something better from it.

● Choose to be happy; choose peace always. Because your mindset is everything – when it comes to staying strong, your mind is either going to make you a victim, or it can raise you to make you strong. It all depends on how you process it.

● We get through challenges stronger as a team and a community.

Find Murray on LinkedIn @MurrayMiller