Episode Eight: Should You Ask For Help?

Are you the type of person that is hesitant to ask others for help? Do you believe it might make you look vulnerable, weak or incompetent or perhaps you would feel disappointed if you were refused the help you were seeking or what if you do get the help you’re...

Episode Seven: Strategies To Financial Freedom

Are you struggling financially perhaps struggling with more debt than you would like and wondering how are you can break free. Everyone deserves and can achieve financial freedom. Listen in and follow these simple tips and strategies that are proven to help you create...

Episode Six: Stay Positive

Stay Positive! We’ve all known this – that life doesn’t always deal us a winning hand. Whether it is sticking with the abnormal “normalcy” of the pandemic or keeping our finances balanced, we all have our fair share of challenges. Learn how to...

Episode Five: The Various Sources of Residual Income

When looking at income in the future, shouldn’t we be looking at what is going to happen and determine if that is what we want our life to look like? We need to work backward from that point until we reach today, viewing our decisions with money as the pre-cursor of...